Trusting Your Gut: The Importance of Intuition in a Purpose-Led Business & Life
How to distinguish, trust, and balance your intuition
with strategy and logic.
Intuition is everything to me. It’s my inner compass—the quiet voice that nudges me in the right direction, even when logic says otherwise. Whether it’s a new idea, building a strategy, or navigating daily decisions with my team and clients, intuition plays a crucial role. But intuition isn’t just a vague feeling; it’s a deep sense of alignment that keeps me connected to my purpose.
However, it’s not always easy to tell intuition apart from wishful thinking. That’s where balance comes in—learning to distinguish real intuition, trust it, and integrate it with strategy and logic.
Intuition vs. Fantasy: How to Tell the Difference
It took me time to recognize the difference between intuition and fantasy. That excitement of imagining a perfect outcome? I used to mistake that for intuition.
But here’s what I’ve learned:
Intuition is quiet, grounded, and persistent. It doesn’t scream for attention.
Fantasy is driven by emotions, validation, or unprocessed fears. It’s the spark of excitement without the deeper knowing.
When I started my coaching business, I thought intuition was guiding me. I poured all my money into an online platform, convinced it was the right move. The reality? It wasn’t intuition—I just hadn’t dealt with my need for external validation. When that platform failed, I was forced to re-evaluate. That’s when I truly let intuition lead, which brought me to where I am today.
Intuition at Different Stages of Business
Intuition has shaped every stage of my business, even when I got it wrong.
Starting Out
I didn’t have a clear plan—just a feeling. Instead of focusing on what my business should be, I journaled about how I wanted it to feel. That feeling became my foundation.
As my business expanded, intuition guided me in hiring, choosing clients, and knowing when to say no. Sometimes, an opportunity looked great on paper, but my gut said otherwise. The times I ignored it? I regretted it.
There was a moment when my business was thriving, yet I felt disconnected from it. My intuition nudged me toward change, but fear held me back. Eventually, I listened, sought help, and restructured my business to feel aligned again.
How to Strengthen Your Intuition
Intuition isn’t something you either have or don’t—it’s like a muscle that gets stronger with practice. Here’s what helps me:
I keep a note on my phone where I write down intuitive thoughts and track how they unfold. Seeing past moments when my intuition was right builds trust in myself.
Moments of Silence
Intuition speaks loudest when the mind is quiet. For me, this happens during morning stillness, walks in nature, or even while cooking.
Testing Your Intuition
Intuition doesn’t mean ignoring logic. I check my intuitive ideas against my values and goals to ensure alignment.
“Intuition doesn’t always match expert advice or data. I’ve had strategy meetings where a consultant’s plan made logical sense, but my gut said no.”
Final Thoughts
Intuition is a powerful tool for building a purpose-driven business and life. It keeps you aligned with your values, vision, and authentic self. Learning to strengthen it, distinguish it from fantasy, and balance it with strategy takes time—but when you do, you create something that feels right and works.
You won’t always get it right. And that’s okay. The more you trust your gut, the stronger it becomes.
Cheers to your intuition leading you to this article.